Friday, October 30, 2009

Spooky Scary

This may be totally cliche, but I have to say that I love Halloween. Way before I was talking to the dead, I love love LOVED it. It's what Oprah calls "the layering effect." When you have multiple awesome experiences all at once, you get layered joy. For me, it the combination of the fall colors on the trees, the kitschy decorations, the crisp electrically-charged air, the chocolate, and the costumes!

I can't wait to have kids just to dress them up in absurd costumes. I would put Rocky through it, but he totally pouts when I try to put clothes on him and it takes out all of the fun.

I hope you have a fun, safe Halloween, whatever you are doing! I'll be in Valparaiso Saturday and Sunday for a Psychic fair.

I hope you get a laugh out of this video from "30 Rock." I heart that show.

Law of Belief

The law of belief states that whatever you believe with feeling and conviction becomes your reality. Our brains are like a computer that you can program. How do we program our computer? Experiences we've had make us come to conclusions about ourselves. We store these beliefs in our subconscious and our everyday decisions are a reflection of beliefs about ourselves locked in our subconscious.

For example, maybe when you were 5 years old, you loved to sing. But then one day while belting out your own rendition of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," your older (cooler) sister laughed at you, exclaiming, "You are horrible! Stop that noise!" Now you have a belief lodged in your brain. I am a bad singer. I should keep singing to myself. People do not like me when I sing. I will never sing out loud again.

And just like that, a belief about yourself is formed. From birth to age 7, we absorb these experiences and beliefs like a sponge. As we get older, we get a little bit harder to program. But it still happens all the time. Then, we carry out our lives with these mantras chanting in our brain, guiding our decisions and behaviors everyday.

How can we combat negative laws of belief? With positive affirmations. When we say affirmations out loud and process them with our conscious brain, perhaps they seem silly (think Stuart Smalley via SNL). But when we lock affirmations in our subconscious, we are good to go.

For information on how to create an affirmation, stay tuned!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What is hypnotherapy?

Most of us are familiar with stage hypnosis. You've probably seen this at a party, Las Vegas, and many cheesy events. The hypnotist picks people out of the audience, induces some kind of sleep state, and then has people running around on stage barking like dogs, clucking like chickens, eating onions like apples, and all other kinds of ridiculousness to the amusement of the audience.

So here are the conclusions that we usually come to from this experience:
  • Hypnosis makes you unconscious.
  • Hypnosis makes you do things you don't want to do.
  • Hypnosis is only good for a laugh.
Wrong, wrong, and wrong!

The state of hypnosis is simply your subconscious mind. It is the same state of mind that you are in in daydreams, prayer, meditation, and dreaming while asleep. The relationship between the conscious and subconscious is just like this iceberg. 10% is above water while 90% is below.

Conscious mind (10%)
  • analyzes
  • thinks and plans
  • short term memory

Subconscious mind (90%)
  • long-term memory
  • emotions and feelings
  • habit patterns
  • relationship patterns
  • addictions
  • involuntary bodily functions
  • creativity
  • spiritual connection
Have you ever been driving and then realize you are at your destination and you can't remember driving for the last 10 minutes? That's called highway hypnosis. You are simply hanging out with your subconscious while your body does the driving. Slipping into a hypnotic state is just as natural as daydreaming!

For 80% of the day, we go back and forth from the conscious to subconscious. All day long. As a result, anyone can be hypnotized!

In our subconscious, we've locked away beliefs about ourselves, traumatic experiences, lessons we've learned, and basically anything that has happened to us. When a hypnotherapist unlocks the subconscious, we are free to reframe events, experiences, and beliefs to bring power back that will change your habits, beliefs, and behaviors. Very powerful stuff.

I'm baaack

Sorry there! I kind of disappeared, didn't I. Well, I've just been through intensive hypnotherapy training! Not only was I learning how to facilitate hypnotherapy for others, I was also undergoing my own hypnotherapy sessions AND learning about all kinds of things on top of that. What a week!

I'm happy to say that I think I'm a better human being as a result. I also can't wait to share what I've learned. Stay tuned for more updates.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to Meditate (part 1)

So after all of that 2012 talk you must be freaking out, right?


Just kidding!

But just in case you are (and even if you're not), now is a great time to talk about meditation.

Don't disappear on me just yet. If your first urge is to just stop reading, I hear you. As a Catholic kid, meditation brought up very particular unfamiliar images in my mind: Buddhists, weird yoga positions, karma and dharma and all kinds of things I knew nothing about. Narrow-minded Brittany was pretty wary and uninterested in meditation.

But meditation is entry #5,163 of things that I dissed and turned out to be totally wrong.

Here's the simplest way I can explain what meditation actually is:
Meditation is an attempt to calm the mind. The goal is to become aware of your own inner chatter and improve yourself mentally and/or spiritually.

Another way I've heard it explained (for those looking to use it in a spiritual sense):
Prayer is speaking.
Meditation is listening.

Meditation has been known to reduce stress and actually has a physical effect on the body. Heart rate, metabolism, blood pressure, and brain chemistry are just some of the areas effected!

You don't have to sit cross-legged while meditating or contort your body in any way. In fact, a relaxing body position will allow you to meditate better because it will allow you to focus on your mind instead.

The best way to start meditating is to simply close your eyes, lay your arms out at your sides palms up, and be still for one minute. Sounds pretty lame, right? Oh, don't be so sure. A lot of (internal) things can happen in one minute of silence. Work your way up to 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes.

I think I'll stop this lesson here. Baby steps.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


In the chit-chat brain-picking sessions that I usually have after a reading, I've had quite a number of people ask me my thoughts on 2012. The old cynic in me says, "Ah, Phooey" to this kind of stuff. Don't let the whole psychic medium thing fool you! I am quite the skeptic. I think it's all in our best interest that we don't absorb every idea that we hear like a sponge. As the Buddha says, "Believe nothing . . . unless it agrees with your own common sense."

Here are the most popular theories:
  1. Many people believe that 2012 means the end of the world, and they base this on the Mayan calendar. According to the long count calendar's measurements, December 20/21/23 (depending on who you ask) marks the end of this world. According to the Mayans, this is actually the fourth world, meaning there have been three human-like (i.e. a planet, peoples, civilizations, etc.) existences and periods of time before this one.
  2. Other people just seem to love the idea of an apocalypse and seem to be fine with it occurring in 2012. They're the people who are always preaching about the end of the world and seem happy to jump on a bandwagon that agrees that the world is indeed ending soon. Hey, why not? 2012 is catchy, no?
  3. Then there's the New Age belief that 2012 is the beginning of a new era in human history, a positive shift in physical and spiritual transformation. This belief sees 2012 as the crumbling of traditional archetypes and systems (i.e. organized religion, big government) and a revitalization of these systems that will create a new order.

If I have to choose between these theories, I go with C. It seems apparent to me that there's been a lot of disintegration of old systems in these past few years and that the state of the world is in a lot of distress. It seems plausible that we are on the brink of a new era. Then again, I can think of many times in history where the world as people knew it seemed to be ending (1860's, 1920's, 1940's, 1960's). So that's why I say that if I have to choose one, this is the one I'm going with.

The skeptic in me has to question the hoopla of all of this. You have to ask yourself the question, who benefits from a belief that 2012 is the end of the world? Well, I think we can see that a lot of people are making a lot of money off the idea. If you look at the search results on 2012 on, you'll see that many people have published their ideas on the topic. There's also a big movie coming out sure to pull in millions. There's a countless number of authors, scientists, and entertainers who can become relevant by putting an idea out there.

The end of the world has universal appeal. It's something every one of us should theoretically care about, so any writing, speaking, or acting on the topic is sure to get a wide audience.

So here's the question that I've let guide my response to the idea of 2012 as the end of the world: If it's true that 2012 is the end of the world, what would I do about it?

And the answer, in short, is nothing. I live my life trying to be the best human being possible, taking care of my family, and trying to help others. So would I do anything differently if someone said the world was going to end in 2012 or any other time for that matter? No.

Also, I can't help but think that our time is never guaranteed. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow. I could choke on my angel hair pasta at dinner. Who says I'll be around in 2012 anyway? Let's not count our chickens before they hatch, ya know?

So I want to shoot that question back at you, reader. If 2012, 2010, or tomorrow were the end of the world, would you be doing anything differently? If the answer is yes, then you got some splainin' to do! (Yes, I just made a Lucille Ball reference while talking about 2012. mmmhmmm)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Reiki question: why 1 month before?

As people have started emailing and calling about the reiki class on January 31st, some have wondered why I have a lower price for signing up more than one month in advance. From a practical standpoint, it helps me prepare better when I have a rough idea of how many people will be attending.

But from the sacred practice standpoint, one you've made a commitment to be attuned to Reiki, you actually begin to be prepared for it! Nothing dramatic will happen to you, but your angels and guides will begin helping you get ready for this wonderful change in your life. Don't worry. You won't feel, hear, or see them doing anything. They will just begin to lovingly prepare you for this great experience.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Angels 101

Since I communicate with angels so much, I thought you guys might like to hear what I can tell you about them. This past weekend, I trekked up to Northern Michigan for a holistic expo, and I was tickled to have an angel on my bumper on the whole ride there. She just hung out, guiding me, making sure I was okay. She's also the muse that made me realize that I haven't really talked much about angels yet on my blog.

First of all, I think it's amusing that I actually didn't believe in angels up until I saw one for myself. I thought it was kind of silly, really. A human-looking thing with feathered wings flying around and helping us? It sounded like the kind of cutsey idea invented by old ladies with doilies all over their homes. Even as a kid I thought it was just silly. You know what I mean? It just sounded like some imaginary fantasy concoction to make people feel better, protected, safe.

And just like many things that my logical brain believed to be true, I was wrong. Angels are all kinds of real. Seriously. I've worked with Archangel Michael on this Angel PSA because I want to make sure I inform you of what the angels actually want you to know about them, so this is 99% channeled information and 1% experience from readings. I like making lists, plus there's a lot to tell, so here goes:

  • They serve God. Period. They help out any human being who is trying to carry out God's work because therefore they are helping God as well. Angels want us to do well because then it means God's will is accomplished.
  • Angels actually do have wings. My personal logistics think this is silly, so I asked why they need them. They are pure energetic beings, so they don't "need" wings to get around. I asked Michael and he pointed out, "Wouldn't you just think that I'm a human being if I didn't have wings?" The guy's got a point. Physically, they look like people to me. They have arms, legs, hair, the body of a human, really. The only way I can tell they are angelic is their wings and their aura. They are always surrounded by really nice energy, something like angel dust.
  • They travel at light speed and can just zoom around anywhere they want to go.
  • They are ego-less beings. You can't hurt their feelings. You can't make them mad so that they will stop helping you.
  • There are millions of them and they have all kinds of specializations. Angels for teachers. Angels as guardians. Angels for spiritual guidance. Angels for mothers. Angels for doctors. Angels for everything under the sun. It's very easy for one person to have at least two or three angels who help them out all the time.
  • Sometimes they stick with us our whole lives, and other times they work with us on a specific task and then move on to someone else.
  • Their personalities vary slightly, but they are all generally serious, patient, and loving. Their seriousness comes from their sense of duty and importance in carrying out their work.
If you forget everything else about this post, please remember this: Because of free will they cannot intercede on our behalf unless we ask for them. Free will keeps the universe turning. It's the one law that is followed above all others. They cannot cannot canNOT help someone who does not want to be helped. Does this mean that everyone who has angels has consciously asked for them out loud? No. But it means that at least on a soul level they have asked for help in some way.

I hope this was helpful! Let me know if you have any questions about angels. I asked Michael if there was anything more he wanted you guys to know, and he said, "God loves you!" I hope your day is a little brighter now.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Reiki Class!

Sunday, January 31st from 1-5pm. To learn about Reiki, read my post. Here is some information about the class:

Learning Level One Reiki allows you to use the nourishing energy of Reiki to help yourself and others maintain a higher level of balance and health. The class will consist of three basic parts:
1)Introduction to Reiki, understanding biofield energy, and the principles of Reiki.
2)Attunement, or energy transfer, that allows Reiki energy to flow naturally from your hands for giving life-enhancing energy to yourself, other people, animals and plants.
3)Learning the hand positions for treating yourself as well as the hand positions for treating others. You will practice giving and receiving treatments with your classmates so that you are a confident Reiki healer by the end of the day.

Tuition includes the one-day class and textbook. The next class is scheduled for January. Call or email to find out more details or to sign up. Classes are small, with a maximum of eight students, to allow for an intimate setting and plenty of practice. Your spot will not be reserved for you until payment is received.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Some of you know that at the beginning of 2009 I had an entirely different blog dedicated to acts of kindness every day. It was a New Year's resolution that just like all resolutions died sometime between March and April. I am really not a creative person, and thinking of and completing a selfless act every single day got very very hard.

Now that my schedule is much busier than it was in January, I also am finding it hard to commit to a regular volunteering schedule. So my compromise is to take up my acts of kindness again. I'm not going to say that I will do one every day; it was really hard for me to be that creative.

I do believe whole-heartedly in this mission. I think it is extremely valuable to dedicate yourself to selfless acts that do not benefit you in any way. I believe true charity and unconditional love come from a place of giving regardless of any return. So my efforts are always to do acts of kindness that cannot benefit me in any way and are anonymous as often as possible.

So for today, I'm going to start with my old familiar favorite: The Hunger Site. Click, click, click, and food is donated. Anonymous, free, quick, easy. I hope you'll join me on this one today.

If you ever have good suggestions for acts of kindness, please email or comment and let me know.

Lastly, you may be wondering why if my goal is to be anonymous that I am posting it on my blog? Well, first I think it keeps me honest. When I record it and know that people are reading, it helps me keep track of how well I'm doing. Also, I'm hoping that some of these acts will be fun and easy for you as well and we can increase the kindness going around.

Monday, October 19, 2009

St. Bernadette

I first learned about St. Bernadette in second grade at St. Albert's Catholic School. I still remember our teacher Mrs. Lucarelli bringing in a video, and I was mesmerized. First of all, I think it was the first video we ever watched at school (watching TV at school! scandalous!); second, I was fascinated by St. Bernadette.

For those of you who might not know much about her, Bernadette Soubirous was a poor miller's daughter in Lourdes, France during the mid 1800's. At the age of 14, Mary began appearing to her with messages which included building a church on the site as well as tapping into a spring of water which would make miracles. In total, Mary appeared 18 times. Many people doubted it even happening since Bernadette was the only one who could see Mary. The Catholic church and many others thought that Bernadette was lying or that some work of witchcraft was going on. Eventually, her claims were confirmed. Bernadette became a nun and was canonized as a saint in 1933.

Up until even a year ago, I wasn't really sure why I was fascinated with this girl. She was from France and my dad is French; she is a girl and I'm a girl; she was a nun and I thought about being a nun; my name starts with B also; but that's where the similarities seemed to end. I chose Bernadette as my confirmation name, and it's always held a special place in my heart.

Now, with the work that I do, it makes perfect sense why I was attracted to Bernadette and her story. I can relate to her challenges in so many ways, and this weekend was a strong reminder of that.

So many, many people do not believe in me for various reasons:
  • Some do not believe anyone can have these gifts, and anyone who claims to is faking it.
  • Others think that these gifts are evil, scary, dangerous, etc.
  • People think I'm too young to have these gifts. This is perhaps the most puzzling to me because I don't understand the logic.
Lately, I've been really frustrated with these struggles. It is so heart-breaking when you have work that you want to do and people will not allow you to help them. So this morning I asked Bernadette to talk with me, and I thought maybe you'd like to hear what she said:
What did you do when no one believed that you actually were seeing, hearing, talking to Mary?
"It doesn't matter. It wasn't up to me to convince them. It was up to God and themselves to open their hearts. I was just the messenger."

What did you do when people said that what you were doing was blasphemous, strange, and evil?
"Who cares? No one can judge but God, and God knows I was visited by the Mother. God knows that I work for Him."

How did you feel when people said you were too young, too poor, too unimportant to be visited by Mother Mary?
"We are all children of God and we all have a mission. This was my mission from God, to carry out messages that Mary wanted me to deliver to the world. God chose me for a reason and it's my job to carry out his mission."

Do your lessons apply to me?
"Yes. What others may think is not of your concern. This is God's mission for you and you are to carry it out faithfully regardless of what people say or how they might react."

Can you help me with my work?
"I will do what I can, but you don't need my help. God chose you because you can handle the task you are given."

I began thanking her but she immediately flew straight back to heaven. The saints I have communicated with are very focused people in that their egos are completely non-existent. They recognize perfectly that they are God's workers in every way, and they won't even accept thanks! They always pass the thanks on to God, which I think is why she disappeared so quickly.

Do I think I'm as great as St. Bernadette? Um, no freaking way. Obviously, she has succeeded where I have not in letting go of ego. It's not my job to be concerned with whether or not people will open their hearts to the help that I can give. But she is such a beautiful model for me and I admire her so much. She is so courageous, so fearless, and stands in her convictions and her God-given power and does not worry about how people may react. I need to take a cue from her. Pronto.

I hope that you talk to the saints with whom you feel a special connection! They are always willing to help as long as your goal is to become a better human being and do God's work.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


As a healer, I am always in need of help from healing from my own wounds. In order to give to others, I need to take care of myself so that I actually have something to give. Sounds like a simple concept, but I ignored this wisdom and ended up with some nasty after effects. Caregivers, don't forget to take care of yourselves! Truly.

So I was trying a new healing therapy that I had heard about last Wednesday. It was helpful, but not as powerful as Reiki or hypnotherapy. I finished the process glad that I had tried it, but I knew it wasn't something I needed to continue. What was most bothersome was the healer's reaction to my session.

At the end, she said, "Well, for some people they really need more sessions to clear out traumas. But you really have had a peaceful life." She emphasized several times that the traumas that came up for me were not a big deal and that I have it pretty good.

On the one hand, I agree. I'm sure she has helped people try to recover from the pain of rape, abuse, neglect, and all other kinds of atrocities. Yes, I have had a blessed life in comparison.

But when someone tells me that my pain is not a big deal, does that make my pain disappear? No, not at all. Instead, it makes me feel as if my pain has been insignificant, as if it doesn't matter. As if it is invalid. Except that my pain is not at all invalid for me. It is very, very real.

So I left with a stab of hurt and a new lesson. It's extremely important as a healer that I put myself in the healed position so that I can honor what it feels like to be counseled and coached into moving forward. The whole experience made me start to run through my own experiences with others. Have I ever invalidated anyone? Have I made someone's pain feel small? Unimportant? God, I hope not. It's a pretty crappy feeling and it stings.

I share this with you not to shame the healer. I didn't provide her name or even the healing process because my point is not at all to call out someone else's mistake. Instead, I hope we can all learn from this experience. I will be very, very careful in the future never to make someone feel like their struggles are small or silly. I hope you can pass on this idea in your own interactions with others.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Oops! One More Thing. What Heaven is Like Part Deux

I did forget to mention one part of what John told me. As I said before, John died suddenly at the age of 23. No one saw it coming, certainly not John. I have been talking with his mother about the sadness of what could have been. She's been struggling so much to think that he won't be a husband or a father someday. But here's what John has said about his own passing:

"Mom, I love you very very much, but I don't wish that I was still alive. I am so incredibly happy. All pain is gone, all worry is gone, all fear is gone, and I am just happy for all of eternity. I am happier than the happiest person on Earth right now. Name someone on Earth, anyone who you think must be the happiest being alive, and I will tell you that I am happier than that person. The happiness in heaven cannot compare to even your happiest day on Earth. I love you and I am not separated from you which is why I don't feel loss like you do. Don't bother wishing I was still alive--I don't!"

And then, because John is just hilarious, he added, "You'll see what I mean one day" with a mischievous grin.

What Heaven is Like

This is a heavy post for a Monday, am I right? Well, it's just so cool what I've learned that I have to share.

As I mentioned before, a cousin of mine passed away suddenly and I've been helping his mother and siblings heal from their loss by connecting them with him whenever they need it. Of course, they don't need me to communicate with him; it just makes the messages that he sends back more clear.

It's been really awesome to get some first-hand narration about what heaven is like. So so so amazing. I will try to explain what little info I've been given:
  • Everyone has their own "space." It's kind of like you have your own room in heaven. When you just want to be, you just want to exist, and you just want to feel the love and warmth of heaven, you hang out in your "room." What this room looks like to me is basically a pink fog that supports you like a chair, couch, bed, however you want to relax. My cousin can't get enough of it, and has told me several times "This is the shit, Brittany." So apparently you can curse in heaven, no problem. :)
  • I can't emphasize enough that it is the most loving, comforting, happy feeling you can ever possibly have. The pink energy is like a physical manifestation of the love of the universe. It's like swimming in a big bath of love. It's addictive and it's bliss.
  • If you want to communicate with someone else in heaven, you just think of them and you will instantly be together. Also, as you talk with them, you don't actually say anything "out loud." Basically, whatever you want to communicate to them, you think it and they hear it. It sounds like our understanding of telepathy.
  • It's hilarious to hear John exclaim, "You can have whatever you want!" Each time I talk with him, he brings some kind of snack with him. His favorites so far are New York style cheesecake, a Big Gulp, Twizzlers, and a Snickers. He said that he just has to think of it and it's in his hand. He says it's not exactly like eating here on Earth, but it's pretty close.
  • If he wants to visit his mom, sister, etc. he just has to think of them and he is with them. He loves visiting family, but he said that heaven feels like home and so he doesn't hang around 24/7. It's kind of like us leaving our houses for work. Home is 100% comfortable, and we might feel more like 75% relaxed outside our home.
  • Time is not like time here. He doesn't really measure the passage of time, so whenever I had a question for him that involved something that happened Tuesday, or yesterday, or last week, it was hard for him to say. He passed away not even a month ago, but he told his mom, "It's so weird. I feel like I've been gone a really long time. It's like life on Earth was a dream from a long time ago in a far away place. I don't remember all the details of my life. What I remember most is the people who I loved."
At one point, someone wanted to know if he had met God or Jesus, and his response was really cool, he said, "Well, I had the option if I wanted to. Jesus was off in the distance and God was beyond Him. But I said, 'Naw, I'm good.'"

So of course I laughed but I also said, "What?! Who passes up an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ?!"

And here's what he tried to explain to my pea brain:
"Anyone who wants to have Jesus with them already does. Jesus' energy flows through the heart of anyone who wants to let him in. So I don't have to go "visit" Jesus because he is already with me. The same goes for God. I don't have to go see him because he is flowing through my heart all the time."

How awesome is all of that?!?!?! I feel so blessed to be privy to this information. If you've got any good questions about heaven, I will try to find out.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What it's Like to be Me. Sometimes.

So after doing a reading, a lot of people ask me what it's like for me on this end. What do I see? What do I hear? What does it feel like? So I'll try to explain as best I can. I also have explained some on my website under the common questions section.

First of all, it's multi-sensory for me. I can see (clairvoyant), hear (clairaudient), and feel (clairsentient/empathic) all at the same time. This is why I really can't talk to you or listen to you at the same time that I am being an open channel, which is why I usually say, "Hold on a minute" to allow the information to come to me in whatever manner it wants to . . .although sometimes I connect with a very chatty soul who will talk over you! Usually I will interrupt you because otherwise I will forget what they've said if I wait until you are finished talking.

To a certain extent, I don't have control over how the information is relayed to me. Some entities prefer to talk. Others like to show me symbols. Others will have me see and feel everything from their perspective so that I can relay their opinions. And most use some kind of combination of these communication styles.

So let me go into depth a little bit:
  • Clairvoyance--the ability to see. If someone says "picture an elephant in your mind," that is the same way I can see. Some people will call it "seeing with their third eye," which is the chakra located in the center of your forehead just above your eyebrows. When I see this way, it is not the same clarity of vision that I see the physical world; rather, it's more like the fogginess that comes with a dream. Colors are usually muted, and the shapes of things are a little smudged around the edges. Once again, though, if an entity really wants me to understand something, it will be so large that it fills up the whole "screen" so to speak and it will be very vivid. I also can see energy with my third eye. Many times, if someone is trying to choose between different options (Job A or Job B, for example), I will have them name each job for me and then see which job has brighter energy around it. I also can see the energy around a person or place to determine how healthy or unhealthy they are, or how healthy or unhealthy they could be for you.
  • Clairaudience--the ability to hear. This one always trips me out! It's probably my favorite. Just like we hear in the physical world, I hear in the spiritual realm. Everything transfers over to me very well: how fast the being talks, how deep the voice is, word choice, sarcasm, excitement, yelling, whispering, all the emotions that we convey with our voice, I can hear them very well. Very, very cool.
  • Clairsentience--the ability to feel. Oftentimes I will feel like the person I am trying to communicate with. Their emotions, physical sensations, everything they feel, I will feel as if I am them.
It's such a powerful, wonderful gift, and every day I pray for guidance in using my gifts for my highest good and the highest good of everyone. Hopefully that gives you a better idea, and feel free to ask any questions!

Most importantly, know that these are skills we all have. We are all psychic! It's just that we have varying degrees of openness. But you truly can develop your abilities.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

To Ponder

"When you follow your bliss ... doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors, and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else."
~Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Blog Manifesto

I've been sitting back over the past few days thinking about my posts. Am I too preachy? Am I coming across as some know-it-all? I hope not. In my fervor to talk about what I've learned, I hope it's apparent that I also haven't learned a great deal.

The Buddha has a great quote about wisdom that I wish I could find. The gist of the quote is that the more you learn, the more you realize that you know so little. Anyone who believes they have it all figured out might be the least knowledgeable of them all.

Ben Franklin had his own grandiose way of saying the same thing: "The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is the knowledge of our own ignorance."

So here I am, acknowledging my own ignorance. I acknowledge that in my wandering path so far, the blacks and whites have become grays. Many things I thought to be most certainly true have slipped into a gray area. I hope it's a sign that I am getting wiser. I am always leery of someone who sees the world in black and white; it seems to suggest that they haven't thought thoroughly enough to discover all of the gray area in between.

If you had asked me what I knew to be true about life when I was 18 years old, it would probably be a fairly substantial list. I wish I had done this exercise just because I wonder what I would have to say. I know that my list would be shorter today.

It makes me wildly curious about my own future self. What do I feel that I "know" now that will slip into more questions and less knowing? What will 40, 50, 60 year old Brittany "know" about the world?

So just in case you've ever thought I've gotten the idea that I am an authority on anything, I want to make it clear that I am not.

The natural snarky response would be, "Then why is someone who knows nothing writing a blog?" My first snarky thought back is, "Don't people who know nothing blog/write/talk/scream at us all every day?" Smile.

But seriously, here's the point of my writing a blog: I am doing my best to learn, share nuggets of what I learn with others, and am hoping for some verbal sparring to come my way when someone will challenge what I think I know and give me reason to pause and learn some more.

I pledge to myself that I will never stop being a student of life, no matter how much I think I've got things figured out. I hope you'll come on the journey with me and share what you believe to be true and we can chew on it together.

Monday, October 5, 2009

My Beef with the Terminology

I am a word person. I love to read, and I process things best when they are verbally spelled out in thorough detail. Thus, sometimes I think I have issues with words and concepts because I get caught up in the connotation or implications of words.

If you've been reading my blog, you'll notice that every time I have to talk about the higher power, I get tongue-tied. Here's my issue with the most common names for the mighty it.

It has connotations of many things that I don't believe God to be. When I hear the word "God," I think:
*male (this is silly. The higher power is so much more than a sex)
*in the clouds (I think the higher power is around us/with us/within us all the time, not removed at all)
*human-like (as if the higher power has ego-filled emotions like jealousy, anger, or an unmerciful nature)

Does this come from years of Catholic school? Not sure.

The implication seems to be that this is all the higher power has done, as if it created the universe and then said, "Peace out, guys," and now the creator is just sitting back and watching it all unfold. I believe in a higher power that is a hybrid of creating plus free will, and a higher power that is still very much with us all the time. This seems too hands-off, too simplistic, and as if it has no relevance today.

A Higher Power
Higher: up, above, that whole "in the clouds" thing is an issue again; but it is all around us.
Power: suggests that free will is questionable, or that it is unmerciful, has a wrath, etc.

My connotations with this word are silly, really. It makes me think of halloween, ghosts, and a very small very concentrated ball of energy.

Impersonal and cold. How could the source of unconditional love have such a rough name?

Rather than giving the higher power a name, it is easier for me to make a list of what I know about God from my own praying and spiritual experiences as a medium. Once I compile my list, this seems to make the most sense:

The higher power is a powerful ball of energy that has a limitless source. It is benevolent, loving energy, and the closest thing to it from what I understand is that it's energy is love. This energy flows from the original source through all of the universe: through people, animals, plants, earth, actions, words, stars, every piece of matter that exists. Free will determines how much of the higher power is flowing through each of us and in the reality we have created for ourselves.

*It is around us, within us, and our energy is made of it.
*It is here all the time.
*It is benevolent, light, and love.
*It spans beyond this planet, this solar system, this galaxy.
*It can be everywhere at the same time.
*Its source is constant and limitless.

This is the closest word that I can think of to summarize what I believe to be true about the higher being.

It's important for us to sort out these questions. Language influences culture, culture influences language. Our language creates our reality and our existence. I can only imagine what my spiritual growth will reveal to me, and I wonder if I'll still come to this same conclusion in 10, 20, 30 years. Better yet, what will I know about God in 10, 20, 30 years? Will my list of what I know be longer? Shorter? Will some of these beliefs disappear?

I'm not sure. But I believe that by exploring my issues with the terminology, I can better understand this higher power.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

To Ponder

"Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns
It calls me on and on across the universe."
~Lennon, McCartney
Across the Universe

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The '3am' Part of This 'Epiphany' Thing

So if you'll note the time, it's about 3:30am as I start this post. I woke up at 1:45, laying in bed (lying in bed? good God I taught English for four years and I never got those straight), and patiently waited for sweet, precious, beautiful sleep to come back to me. By 3:15am I gave up. But I gave it a good honest try, right?

Look at this kid sleeping on the stairs. Man. I am so jealous of babies and little kids who can fall asleep anywhere. In the car. On a plane. On a bus. On a train. Do you think Dr. Seuss needs a co-author?

So being the nerd that I am, the first thing I did in writing this post was to try to find out how many people have trouble sleeping. Four lame google searches and a zillion broken links later, I have no idea. I got answers of 25%, 45%, and 90% in my five minute exploration. This is what my husband and I would file under "questionable facts dot com." 90% of statistics are fake, right? Right.

I also wonder, do mediums have a harder time sleeping than your run-of-the-mill human?

Consider these common complications that get in the way of sleep:
*being a woman (c'mon! we've got enough problems already)
*change in environment
*medication side effects
*caffeine, nicotine, alcohol
*irregular sleep schedules

Oh, and this one I really love:
*expecting to have difficulty sleeping and worrying about it

Then, I'd like to submit my psychic-related sleep issues:
*dream visits from family that's passed on
*dream visits from strangers who have messages
*intense talks with the higher realms, almost like a progress report meeting and evaluation of how I'm doing/what I could do better

When we sleep, we're connecting with the higher realms. We get a lot of personal work done on ourselves when we sleep. I've been having issues sleeping pretty much all of September, but at least Karen Bishop made me feel less crazy about it.

If you've had trouble sleeping lately and normally do not, this might be of interest to you. This is an excerpt taken from one of Karen Bishop's books:

"Insomnia occurs when we need a break from being in the higher realms, or other dimensions that sleeping creates. We need to be back on the earth plane and it appears that we need to be there or else! Therefore, no matter what we do, we are unable or "not allowed" access to the higher dimensions for awhile;even while sleeping.

One of the most common symptoms of the ascension process,
insomnia, seems to affect most everyone. And it's a strange kind of insomnia at that. It begins by awakening between 2 and 4 a.m. every night for awhile. Then it will subside. It can return again, and eventually, one is awakened around 5 a.m. This can go on for several weeks and then return. Once you wake up, you cannot go back to sleep. Thank goodness the ascension process also has phases of deep sleeping and napping!

Insomnia forces us to remain on the earth plane. We don't get
to go anywhere. We cannot go far or deep into other realities for awhile. When we are unable to sleep, we have to then be here. Through ascension, we have integrated much and are now vibrating higher. Becoming involved in, and allowing our energy and presence to reside in a New and higher vibrating reality, helps with the integration of a New World and reality. Our presence makes it more real and solid as we are contributing to its very New vibration.

Many times we do a lot of our shifting and releasing while in the
dream state at night. Much can happen in regard to our vibrational and spiritual growth when we are asleep. During ascension, a lot is occurring for us in this regard. We are greatly changing and expanding in consciousness. Therefore, at times we need a break. We then need to be in the New space that we are adjusting to and becoming ourselves."

The good news: yay! I'm ascending! Hurray for becoming a better soul.
The bad news: I.can.not.sleep.

I left out the excerpt where Karen talks about the joys of not sleeping. "Read a book! Watch a movie! Stare at the sunrise!" Those are all great ideas, Karen, but I have a better idea. It's called sleep AKA the best thing to do between 10pm and 6am.

Ob la di, ob la da . . .