Thursday, October 8, 2009

What it's Like to be Me. Sometimes.

So after doing a reading, a lot of people ask me what it's like for me on this end. What do I see? What do I hear? What does it feel like? So I'll try to explain as best I can. I also have explained some on my website under the common questions section.

First of all, it's multi-sensory for me. I can see (clairvoyant), hear (clairaudient), and feel (clairsentient/empathic) all at the same time. This is why I really can't talk to you or listen to you at the same time that I am being an open channel, which is why I usually say, "Hold on a minute" to allow the information to come to me in whatever manner it wants to . . .although sometimes I connect with a very chatty soul who will talk over you! Usually I will interrupt you because otherwise I will forget what they've said if I wait until you are finished talking.

To a certain extent, I don't have control over how the information is relayed to me. Some entities prefer to talk. Others like to show me symbols. Others will have me see and feel everything from their perspective so that I can relay their opinions. And most use some kind of combination of these communication styles.

So let me go into depth a little bit:
  • Clairvoyance--the ability to see. If someone says "picture an elephant in your mind," that is the same way I can see. Some people will call it "seeing with their third eye," which is the chakra located in the center of your forehead just above your eyebrows. When I see this way, it is not the same clarity of vision that I see the physical world; rather, it's more like the fogginess that comes with a dream. Colors are usually muted, and the shapes of things are a little smudged around the edges. Once again, though, if an entity really wants me to understand something, it will be so large that it fills up the whole "screen" so to speak and it will be very vivid. I also can see energy with my third eye. Many times, if someone is trying to choose between different options (Job A or Job B, for example), I will have them name each job for me and then see which job has brighter energy around it. I also can see the energy around a person or place to determine how healthy or unhealthy they are, or how healthy or unhealthy they could be for you.
  • Clairaudience--the ability to hear. This one always trips me out! It's probably my favorite. Just like we hear in the physical world, I hear in the spiritual realm. Everything transfers over to me very well: how fast the being talks, how deep the voice is, word choice, sarcasm, excitement, yelling, whispering, all the emotions that we convey with our voice, I can hear them very well. Very, very cool.
  • Clairsentience--the ability to feel. Oftentimes I will feel like the person I am trying to communicate with. Their emotions, physical sensations, everything they feel, I will feel as if I am them.
It's such a powerful, wonderful gift, and every day I pray for guidance in using my gifts for my highest good and the highest good of everyone. Hopefully that gives you a better idea, and feel free to ask any questions!

Most importantly, know that these are skills we all have. We are all psychic! It's just that we have varying degrees of openness. But you truly can develop your abilities.

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