Thursday, October 22, 2009

Angels 101

Since I communicate with angels so much, I thought you guys might like to hear what I can tell you about them. This past weekend, I trekked up to Northern Michigan for a holistic expo, and I was tickled to have an angel on my bumper on the whole ride there. She just hung out, guiding me, making sure I was okay. She's also the muse that made me realize that I haven't really talked much about angels yet on my blog.

First of all, I think it's amusing that I actually didn't believe in angels up until I saw one for myself. I thought it was kind of silly, really. A human-looking thing with feathered wings flying around and helping us? It sounded like the kind of cutsey idea invented by old ladies with doilies all over their homes. Even as a kid I thought it was just silly. You know what I mean? It just sounded like some imaginary fantasy concoction to make people feel better, protected, safe.

And just like many things that my logical brain believed to be true, I was wrong. Angels are all kinds of real. Seriously. I've worked with Archangel Michael on this Angel PSA because I want to make sure I inform you of what the angels actually want you to know about them, so this is 99% channeled information and 1% experience from readings. I like making lists, plus there's a lot to tell, so here goes:

  • They serve God. Period. They help out any human being who is trying to carry out God's work because therefore they are helping God as well. Angels want us to do well because then it means God's will is accomplished.
  • Angels actually do have wings. My personal logistics think this is silly, so I asked why they need them. They are pure energetic beings, so they don't "need" wings to get around. I asked Michael and he pointed out, "Wouldn't you just think that I'm a human being if I didn't have wings?" The guy's got a point. Physically, they look like people to me. They have arms, legs, hair, the body of a human, really. The only way I can tell they are angelic is their wings and their aura. They are always surrounded by really nice energy, something like angel dust.
  • They travel at light speed and can just zoom around anywhere they want to go.
  • They are ego-less beings. You can't hurt their feelings. You can't make them mad so that they will stop helping you.
  • There are millions of them and they have all kinds of specializations. Angels for teachers. Angels as guardians. Angels for spiritual guidance. Angels for mothers. Angels for doctors. Angels for everything under the sun. It's very easy for one person to have at least two or three angels who help them out all the time.
  • Sometimes they stick with us our whole lives, and other times they work with us on a specific task and then move on to someone else.
  • Their personalities vary slightly, but they are all generally serious, patient, and loving. Their seriousness comes from their sense of duty and importance in carrying out their work.
If you forget everything else about this post, please remember this: Because of free will they cannot intercede on our behalf unless we ask for them. Free will keeps the universe turning. It's the one law that is followed above all others. They cannot cannot canNOT help someone who does not want to be helped. Does this mean that everyone who has angels has consciously asked for them out loud? No. But it means that at least on a soul level they have asked for help in some way.

I hope this was helpful! Let me know if you have any questions about angels. I asked Michael if there was anything more he wanted you guys to know, and he said, "God loves you!" I hope your day is a little brighter now.

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