Monday, October 5, 2009

My Beef with the Terminology

I am a word person. I love to read, and I process things best when they are verbally spelled out in thorough detail. Thus, sometimes I think I have issues with words and concepts because I get caught up in the connotation or implications of words.

If you've been reading my blog, you'll notice that every time I have to talk about the higher power, I get tongue-tied. Here's my issue with the most common names for the mighty it.

It has connotations of many things that I don't believe God to be. When I hear the word "God," I think:
*male (this is silly. The higher power is so much more than a sex)
*in the clouds (I think the higher power is around us/with us/within us all the time, not removed at all)
*human-like (as if the higher power has ego-filled emotions like jealousy, anger, or an unmerciful nature)

Does this come from years of Catholic school? Not sure.

The implication seems to be that this is all the higher power has done, as if it created the universe and then said, "Peace out, guys," and now the creator is just sitting back and watching it all unfold. I believe in a higher power that is a hybrid of creating plus free will, and a higher power that is still very much with us all the time. This seems too hands-off, too simplistic, and as if it has no relevance today.

A Higher Power
Higher: up, above, that whole "in the clouds" thing is an issue again; but it is all around us.
Power: suggests that free will is questionable, or that it is unmerciful, has a wrath, etc.

My connotations with this word are silly, really. It makes me think of halloween, ghosts, and a very small very concentrated ball of energy.

Impersonal and cold. How could the source of unconditional love have such a rough name?

Rather than giving the higher power a name, it is easier for me to make a list of what I know about God from my own praying and spiritual experiences as a medium. Once I compile my list, this seems to make the most sense:

The higher power is a powerful ball of energy that has a limitless source. It is benevolent, loving energy, and the closest thing to it from what I understand is that it's energy is love. This energy flows from the original source through all of the universe: through people, animals, plants, earth, actions, words, stars, every piece of matter that exists. Free will determines how much of the higher power is flowing through each of us and in the reality we have created for ourselves.

*It is around us, within us, and our energy is made of it.
*It is here all the time.
*It is benevolent, light, and love.
*It spans beyond this planet, this solar system, this galaxy.
*It can be everywhere at the same time.
*Its source is constant and limitless.

This is the closest word that I can think of to summarize what I believe to be true about the higher being.

It's important for us to sort out these questions. Language influences culture, culture influences language. Our language creates our reality and our existence. I can only imagine what my spiritual growth will reveal to me, and I wonder if I'll still come to this same conclusion in 10, 20, 30 years. Better yet, what will I know about God in 10, 20, 30 years? Will my list of what I know be longer? Shorter? Will some of these beliefs disappear?

I'm not sure. But I believe that by exploring my issues with the terminology, I can better understand this higher power.

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