Friday, October 30, 2009

Law of Belief

The law of belief states that whatever you believe with feeling and conviction becomes your reality. Our brains are like a computer that you can program. How do we program our computer? Experiences we've had make us come to conclusions about ourselves. We store these beliefs in our subconscious and our everyday decisions are a reflection of beliefs about ourselves locked in our subconscious.

For example, maybe when you were 5 years old, you loved to sing. But then one day while belting out your own rendition of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," your older (cooler) sister laughed at you, exclaiming, "You are horrible! Stop that noise!" Now you have a belief lodged in your brain. I am a bad singer. I should keep singing to myself. People do not like me when I sing. I will never sing out loud again.

And just like that, a belief about yourself is formed. From birth to age 7, we absorb these experiences and beliefs like a sponge. As we get older, we get a little bit harder to program. But it still happens all the time. Then, we carry out our lives with these mantras chanting in our brain, guiding our decisions and behaviors everyday.

How can we combat negative laws of belief? With positive affirmations. When we say affirmations out loud and process them with our conscious brain, perhaps they seem silly (think Stuart Smalley via SNL). But when we lock affirmations in our subconscious, we are good to go.

For information on how to create an affirmation, stay tuned!

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