Saturday, September 18, 2010

What's New with You?

I have a few friends who, due to busy schedules, I am only able to see a few times a year. This post is going to be like one of those meetings. I will feverishly catch you up on the highlights of my life while I was on hiatus in a matter of minutes.

I started getting into photography while we were on a "break." It's okay, I still love you too. I got a fancy DSLR camera, and after 1000+ photos of my dog Rocky(I'm not kidding), I think at least 4 of them are good. Photography is totally addictive.

I got into cooking. Once a week I challenge myself with a new recipe that is vegetarian and both me and my husband could potentially enjoy. This just in: in the process of cooking, I began to examine my choices and am making a slow transition from vegetarian (14+ years running) to vegan. In a word, it's hard. I am having to re-wire my brain. But this is not an overnight revolution, so I'm willing to give it time.

I joined a gym, and I use the word gym loosely. I mean Curves. I am trying to take better care of my body, and I'm one month into that change and so far so good! I like it because it's very non-intimidating (all women, as little as 30 minutes), and you make it what you want to make it. I'll keep you updated.
I read some more really good books. More on that later.

I started volunteering. I volunteer at a no-kill animal shelter walking the doggies while they wait to find families. They're adorable, and there usually involves a lot of debate about who Rocky might actually get along with. Fortunately, there's been no adoptiong yet.

I'm writing a book. This is the newest update, and I'm just in the initial stages. I feel guided to make my writing focused and help others through written word. Who knows where it will go! It might just stay a lengthy stream-of-consciousness word document on my computer.

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