Friday, April 16, 2010

What's going on over there?

Many times, when I am helping someone connect with a late loved one, the question is, "What are they doing over there?" Just recently, a client was curious to know if their loved one could see everything about their life, past, present, and future.

You'll be relieved to know that they don't have unlimited access to our lives. After the moment of passing, it seems that they can hear our thoughts and follow us around; but they don't seem to have the ability to go back in time so to speak and pry on our pasts. So don't worry, Aunt Millie doesn't know about your wild college days, and Grandma Pearl doesn't know who your first kiss was . . . unless of course, you think about it and she happens to be checking in on you . . . . quick! Think of a purple elephant! 8 times 2 is . . .

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