Monday, April 26, 2010

From Spot

One of my favorite things to do is to talk with animals. Our pets are so hilarious! They have personalities, opinions, and preferences just like any normal person. There's a whole world of thought going on there that we usually aren't able to tap into. It's one of the reasons why I am a vegetarian; once you realize this being has opinions and feelings just like any person . . . okay, I think that's another post.

Most pets, when given the chance to talk, will tell me about their likes and dislikes. They often make food requests, give opinions about other animals in the house, and reveal their favorite walking spots. They are always funny! Their personalities range from high maintenance, to grouchy, to friendly, to hyper.

I remember one reading in particular where a dog was saying that he liked his water at a certain temperature: "colder than room temperature, but not as cold as when it first comes from the tap." No, it was not Paris Hilton's dog, either. Many dogs will tell me about what they consider the ranking in the house. Some family members, they consider lower than them (oftentimes, children are considered beneath them). It's also fascinating to ask them about the relationships with other pets in the house. I've seen many odd couple relationships, a few Lucy/Ricky or Lucy/Ethel relationships, and then some house pets try to pretend that the others don't exist!

More than anything, animals are extremely loyal. Their needs are simple (okay, except maybe for that dog with the water request), and their love is very clear.

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