Thursday, January 14, 2010

Isaac Newton was a Total Hippie

"To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction."

I've been pondering Newton's third law a lot lately. I remember when we first discussed this concept in 6th grade. I was so freaking excited because something that I learned in science class actually made sense to me. I would chant it in my head like it was the mystery of life. Like I was Sir Isaac Newton himself.

Which by the way, Isaac and myself share a birthday. Same day, but he beats me by 340 years. I think I had this same haircut in the fourth grade. I also have brooding eyes and often look over my left shoulder. Coincidence. . . . ?

Anyway, it seems that lately this is the message that the universe is throwing at us in a hard, hard way. I've been pondering on all the ways our society wants to be able to throw out an action without an equal an opposite reaction. We are overworked. Overfed (and fed poorly). We abuse our bodies with alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and drugs of all kinds. We want to have money, successful careers, and many material things . . . but at what cost? And do we do these actions with the full understanding that there will be an equal (and opposite) reaction?

And now it seems as though it's all coming back to us. Obesity, cancer, heart disease. People are losing their jobs and their health. I can cite my own back problems as part of this phenomena.

It seems that in the past there has always been a certain amount of lag time before what we send out comes back to us. After 20 years of eating poorly, Sam has a heart attack. After 8 years of ignoring her marriage, Suzie gets a divorce.

But now it seems like the boomerang effect is on fast forward. The action we take today is coming back to us tomorrow. I think we can no longer act foolishly with our bodies or our time and get away with it for very long at all.

So I'm going the chiropractor and the back is improving. I'm also taking a 30-day health challenge with my husband to eat only natural foods, nothing processed. Getting a regular workout routine is last on my list once I get this back thing under control.

So if the boomerang was coming back to you today, what would it bring?

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