Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ReBlog from my Friend Rebecca

Sadly,I cannot take credit for the magnificence of this post. It was written by my friend Rebecca on her blog.

Certainties & Possibilities
January 3, 2010

Today is one of my favorite days of the year. Today I bought my 2010 wall calendar.

What is it about picking it out a calendar for the new year (50% off, of course - thank you, Borders) that excites me so? Well, I'm one of those people who loves to write down all of her appointments and outings, special dates and anniversaries. In fact, I even love to write things down on my calendar after I have done them. (This is very similar to my love-of-lists issue.)

Yes, I have a problem with wasted time. I don't need to have something to do every hour of the day, but I do like to see that I've actually done something with my days, largely because I fear that I've wasted a lot of time. Maybe I have, maybe not - but that's an issue for another post (or three).

Today I'm going to be excited about my new calendar featuring pictures of one of my favorite things...schnauzers. Yes, 2010 is going to be the year of doing things that make me happy, and it starts with the schnauzers. Sure, I probably should have gone with the myriad of options that would donate a portion of the profits to charity, but 2010 is not about guilt! It's about happiness, dammit!

Here's another thing I love about a new calendar: it has certainties and a myriad of possibilities. I love filling in all of the year's special dates on my calendar. I am certain that my birthday will be in September, my mother's will be in October, my friend Tracy's will be in August, etc. When I was teaching, I knew exactly when I would have spring break and when the last day of the school year would be. Certainties. And then there are all of the blank days. Like right now I'm looking at April 21st. I have no idea what will happen on April 21st, but it might be amazing. It might be the day I win the lottery or the day I get a great job offer or the day I meet a new friend. I just don't know.

So tonight I'm going to enjoy writing little notes in my calendar (It's made me downright twitchy not to have one for the past two days.) and thinking about things I know will happen and about the thousands of other things that I can't even imagine yet.

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