Thursday, January 7, 2010

Honoring Your True Feelings or How My Pride Cost Me $500

So let's jump into our time machines and go back to September 16, 2009. It's a Wednesday and I'm going to a lovely yoga class and then rushing home to do my radio show. About 30 minutes in to the class, we went into this pose at the top.

Just kidding just kidding, we went into the pose on the bottom except without the wall. Just put your feet up in the air said the yoga instructor. Go for it.

Once I got into this position I felt an


I wanted to scream in class. My inner monologue was something like holy Jesus mother ow ow ow make it stop make it stop crap crap crap.

But I looked around, and no one else is screaming. No one looks distressed. This looks effortless to everyone but me. So what do I do? I decide there's no way I'm putting my feet down since no one else is. Either I'm weak or I'm doing it wrong or both. My feet are staying put.

After class, I nonchalantly slink over to the instructor and our conversation goes something like this:

"So, that move where we're making a 90 degree angle, is that supposed to be excruciating? Because no one else was screaming but I really really wanted to."

"No, that move should not hurt at all! You must have been arching your back. You had your abs engaged, right?"


I continue my life. I go on walks, I go on the road, I do my workout videos, life goes on. Starting in November, my back starts screaming bloody murder. So I finally go to the chiropractor in January, and after just 205 easy payment installments of $45 , I will be pain free.

Obviously, I should have just stopped the move. But I was so worried that people would think I was a loser. I was afraid I was doing something wrong (I was) and I didn't want anyone to notice.

Well of course there are some advantages to this. Who doesn't love a massage covered by insurance? Or how about a legit reason to buy a ridiculous assortment of pillows to take to bed? Or how about a doctor's orders that I am not allowed to clean the house! Or shovel snow! Party party 2010 people!

I will tell you that after 2 sessions with my chiropractor I feel indebted to bestow upon her years of Christmas cards and apples in gratitude. So things are looking up.

Not gonna lie, I'm having trouble getting excited about doing yoga again . . . maybe 2011.

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