Friday, January 8, 2010

Just Ask

We're hopping back into the time machine to go to September 2009 again. I had just come from a family funeral and was on my way to Louisville, Kentucky for a Healing Sound Conference. Part of me was just so wiped out from the funeral that I had no interest in going; but my belief is that once I RSVP to something, the universe takes note and sends the appropriate people and opportunities to help and be helped. Really! So I couldn't help but think who will be there that I should meet? Who needs to meet me? I really believe this. Consider this the next time you're feeling too tired, lazy, stressed, etc. to keep a prior commitment.

And so I went to Louisville.

While I was there, I saw a lovely artist that I had met before at another expo. Her name is Beverly Stephan, and she is a mystical healing artist. In a session with Beverly, she spends about 3 minutes connecting with your guides and loved ones, then asks them to communicate with you through her art. It's such a memorable and fun experience. The picture in this post is of Beverly going over her art session with a client.

When I first saw her work, I really wanted to try it, but I thought that I really shouldn't spend the money. I go to the expos with the intention to meet clients and hopefully bring in enough pay to cover the cost of the trip. But when I ran into Beverly again, I had a harder time saying no. I felt compelled to meet her, and so I just said this little prayer in my head: "Please God, allow me to have this unique experience with Beverly and help me cover the cost so that I don't worry or feel guilty about it."

I walked over to Beverly and had a lovely session. As the paint was drying, she held up the work and pointed to different aspects of the art with her laser pen. As she was almost done explaining and the paint was almost dry, she suddenly dropped it. It was slightly smudged on one side and a small paint splatter now graced the left of the art.

Beverly sighed, "Oh no! I'm so sorry Brittany! This has only happened to me once before! This almost never happens! I am so so sorry honey. This one is on me."

I smiled at Beverly and said, "How about we do another one too and I'll pay for that one?" So I walked away with two gorgeous lifetime paintings! But more than anything, it made me smile and buoyed my faith that when we ask for things that are good for us, God is always helping us make our dreams come true.

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