Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Let God Do the Talking

This is a really fun game; maybe you've tried it before. Perhaps I should back up and not use the word "game." What I'm referring to is a method to get in contact with God so that he/she/it can be more fully present in your everyday mind. Since we're referring to talking to God, I guess calling it a "game" seems almost sacrilegious.

Aaaaanyway. Yawn Brittany, get on with already.

So the "game" is pretty simple. Ask God a question, and then flip through the book of your choice to see what God says. Here are a few applications:
  • Take out your Bible. Ask God, "How can I improve myself as a person today?" Take a few passes at the book, letting the pages run through your hands. Then, when it feels right to stop, stop. Read what's on the page and see what God wants you to know.
  • Take out any of your favorite spiritual books. For example, I have a book that I love-- Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue. Just yesterday, I asked, "Who has a message for me that can help me today?" It was totally enlightening.
Here are some other questions to ask:
"What do I need to know?"
"How can I lead a more spiritual life?"
"How can I better serve others?"
"What is my purpose?"


  1. So, it's been a few days since I've read your blog and I always look forward to coming back knowing that I'm in for yummy treats to read!!!

    I love this "game!" I do it all the time! Ok, white lie just told. Not All the time. Not as often as I should. But I DO DO IT! :D

  2. I was reading about the life of St. Francis, and they actually "played" this game to determine whether or not one man should join their religious order! How 'bout that.
