Monday, November 1, 2010

How to Clear Your Energy

All of us are made of energy. We have our dense physical body, and then we have our etheral energy body. The physical body and the energy body are connected, so the health or illness of one affects the other.

Every once in a while I seem to have a bit of an energy meltdown, and I think we all do. For me, an energy meltdown results in restlessness, irritability, general weepiness, and discontent. Oh yeah, I'm a real peach.

An energy meltdown just means that it's time for a breath of fresh air. We get stuck every once in a while, and we need to be cleared out.

Here are my favorite ways to clear and clean my energy:

1. Reiki--This is the motherload of energy clearing. You will get all the clearing you need, and maybe some you didn't even know was necessary. If you don't know much about Reiki, click the Reiki tags on the left to read any posts related to Reiki.

2. Meditation--Meditation means different things for different people. What I mean when I use the word is quiet time alone with yourself and working towards a still, peaceful mind. For some, this means chanting. For others, this is prayer. Some might like to have peaceful music in the background to help their mind relax. Just take some time to see what works for you.

3. Crystals--This might seem a bit daunting, because there are literally thousands of crystals with many purposes. My suggestion is don't overthink it. Head over your local metaphysical shop and just see what you are drawn to hold and admire. I can certainly recommend some for you depending on what you'd like some help with, but I'm sure when you go you will know just what you need. What's also fun is to pick out a stone and look up its purpose when you get home. The answer might surprise you, or it might be exactly what you thought you needed anyway. As for how to use them, you can just allow them to rest on your body and different chakra points to help absorb any negative or stagnant energy.

4. Chimes--Chimes are so underrated! And I'm guilty of it as well. Chimes work really fast in clearing your energy body or a space such as your bedroom or office. Their clear resonating tones force more dense, negative energies to lessen and go elsewhere. I like to do a sequence of 7 rings at each of my 7 chakras. It only takes maybe 5 minutes, and it feels like an energy shower.

5. A walk in Nature--Let me emphasize "nature" here. A walk in the grocery store won't cut it. Neither will a walk in the mall, or even a walk in the neighborhood if you're a chatty Cathy and you stop and talk to everyone you see. The point of this walk is solitude, silence, and the freshest air possible. You'll be amazed at the energy that wells up and then dissipates during a therapeutic walk.

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