Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How We Can Help

Yesterday, I talked a bit about protecting yourself from the negative energy of others, or what many people call shielding; but you can go even one step further! Instead of just avoiding negativity, you can also use your own positive energy to have a positive impact on people and events.

As a Reiki Master/Teacher, this means that I give Reiki to people, places, and events as often as I can think of it. This means that I'm sending loving universal energy. If you're not attuned to Reiki however, remember this: thoughts and intentions are energy. When you hold a loving thought or intention, you bring positive energy to whatever it is that you're focused on! So anything from your mom's health to a job situation to those affected by a tragedy, your meditation on positive thoughts and intentions can help bring good change.

Also, believe it or not, prayer works. I've relayed messages of numerous people on the other side who've asked their loved ones to pray for them. I've even been "shown" through my third eye what it feels like on the other side when someone is praying for you, and it's like a shower of loving energy. Prayer is good!

And you don't have to think of Reiki/positive intentions/thoughts/prayer as only being good for people. You can send these intentions to events, animals, geographical locations, in the past, present, or future! For example, on the anniversary of September 11th, I spent an hour giving Reiki to all of the injured, deceased, and anyone who was a victim of that day's tragic events. Or when it comes to the oil spill (more like oil catastrophe) in the Gulf, you can send positive intentions/thoughts/prayers for the animals, water, and people affected.

And once you realize that this can be used for all people, events, places in the past, present, and future, there's really no limit. Send love to holocaust victims. Send positive intentions to your future marriage. Send prayers to a war-torn country. There is no limit.

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