Wednesday, November 25, 2009

To the Departed

I am struggling with wrapping my head around this pattern as of late. There have just been so many untimely deaths in 2009. I guess I should correct myself. "Untimely" implies that they were not at the right time, and as a medium I know we always go when it is our time, no sooner and no later. But why are so many souls leaving earth right now? And why are so many of them before we are expecting it?

Here are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head:
Michael Jackson
Farrah Fawcett
Patrick Swayze
John Updike
Natasha Richardson
Bea Arthur
Ted Kennedy
Mary Travers (Peter, Paul, and Mary)
Eunice Shriver

Then, there are the deaths of those closer to me, particularly of a 22 year old cousin and a 23 year old friend.

Many "new agey" people think that the Earth is going through an ascension process. It seems as though the energies and consciousness of the Earth are moving to a higher level, and some of this involves some energy balancing. I think Karen Bishop did a good job of trying to explain this phenomenon:

"When substantial shifts occur, it can create the departure of souls who have been carrying significant amounts of higher level energy. When Steve Irwin died, he left the energy of wildlife and wilderness conservancy behind. He had embodied this energy within himself to a massive degree, so by departing, he then allowed this energy to be dissipated to many others on the planet, thus creating a more widely spread purpose and higher energy for the planet as a whole.

Dana Reeve created the same effect when she departed. She embodied angelic energy, and thus, when she departed, we were then given the opportunity as a whole to now embody this energy ourselves.

At other times, souls carrying a significant amount of energy depart because we have evolved beyond the energy they are embodying, and the role of these souls is now over. Anna-Nicole Smith was one of these souls.

When souls depart who carry significant amounts of energy, their sudden absence can be greatly felt, and what they leave behind creates a ripple effect as it migrates and dissipates out for the entire planet to embrace and now embody in a more evenly distributed way.

Michael Jackson, perhaps the most talented performer of all time, embodied a massive amount of higher level energy. He was extremely connected to a higher level and to “the other side.” He was unmistakably a bridge; bringing this higher level energy into form and then giving it out to the masses. Remembering oh so well what the “other side” was like, he, like others, found it extremely difficult to exist within and understand the strange and many times darker energies that were on the planet while he was here. So then, he embodied massive amounts of energy relating to the other side and bringing it here.

In this way, he suddenly departed precisely around the time we experienced the solstice of June 21, because it was now time to dissipate that energy to the planet. He has now given us this energy to embody ourselves. He no longer needed to hold so much of it himself, as the shift of the solstice created this new connection for the planet to now experience on its own."

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