Friday, September 11, 2009

How to Shield and Clear Your Energy

Recurring themes always come up in readings, and shielding and clearing is a common one. When I first began my new age spiritual education, honestly, the idea of shielding and clearing sounded a little silly; but as I've mulled over the concept, it really makes sense. Here's the basic logic:

1. We are all made of energy.
2. Energy is not fixed and flows within us and around us.
3. When you spend time around someone or talking with them, you are participating in an energy exchange; therefore, it's easy to imagine that you can transfer and absorb energy with others.

Native American rituals and traditions, as well as beliefs and practices in many Asian religions clear energy, so it's not just some new-agey mumbo jumbo.

And we've all seen it happen. You arrive at work in a peaceful mood, but then a coworker arrives complaining about their bad weekend and crazy traffic, and after talking with them you don't feel as calm as before. Or you're having a bad day, but after 30 minutes of talking with your bubbly friend on the phone, you feel lighter.

This experience is especially magnified for people are empathetic people. Empaths can very easily absorb the experiences and emotions of others, and at a heightened level this is even a psychic gift which allows us to actually feel how it is to be someone else. Many caregivers like nurses, teachers, social workers, and counselors are extremely empathic people who really need protection.

Clearing Your Space
1. Burn sage. It's easily bought online or in-store. It can get smoky, so if you are easily irritated, try another method.
2. Use Tibetan bells, chimes, or a singing bowl. Personally, I have a beautiful singing bowl that I bought while on a trip in Portland, Oregon. These too can be found online. These bells, bowls, and chimes reverberate a vibrational level that moves and clears energy. Many meditation and yoga sessions begin with a chime, bowl, or gong to clear the air.
3. Keep live plants in your home. Plants have beautiful energy and also work well in windows to keep bad energy out. A plant by your head while you are sleeping can even help you have better rest.
4. Crystals throughout your house will help keep the energy clear and the vibration of your space high.
5. Ask angels, guides, Jesus, Krishna, whoever you want, to help you clear your space of any old or negative energy.

Shielding Yourself
1. Wear silk. Silk is made up of light and is great for keeping you from absorbing energy around you, as well as keeping your energy contained.
2. Wear or carry crystals. Lots of crystals can easily go in a pocket or purse, or jewelry is great as well, especially around your neck and ears. As for what crystal would be best for you, check out my blog post on crystals.
3. Complete a meditation for protection.
3. Ask for protection. Anyone will do--loved ones who've passed on, angels, guides, Jesus, Buddha, anyone you'd like. All of these energies truly enjoy helping us be the best person possible and will help in any way they can.

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