Saturday, September 5, 2009

How to Pick the Right Crystals

This is another topic that when I was first introduced I was a bit doubtful. Realllyyyy? Crystals? That heal? What can I say, I am stubborn and a skeptic.

But the basic logic makes sense to me now: crystals are an element of the earth and emit energy just like plants, animals, and everything else on earth does. The energy would also be different depending on the composition of the material, hence different crystals for different purposes.

The kind of crystals you want and how you want to use them is totally up to you and everyone is a little different. Here is a good website to check out as well, and for books I recommend Crystal Therapy by Doreen Virtue.

Here are the most popular crystals that truly anyone could use:

Clear Quartz (clear)--
clears energy, enhances spiritual awareness, this is an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink crystal.

Amethyst (purple)--
connected to the crown chakra. Calming, protective, good for meditation and for increasing psychic abilities. It's my favorite.

Rose Quartz (pink)--
connected to the heart chakra and all things love: self love, love for others, etc. Helps with emotional healing.

Citrine (yellow to golden brown)--
Attracts abundance, heals old patterns, increases self esteem.

Obsidian (color varies)--
A truly excellent protection crystal. I learned about this crystal from Archangel Michael; he actually advised someone to use it for shielding during a reading. Afterwards, I looked it up, and sure enough obsidian has a long history of protecting people from the dark arts and evil.

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