Thursday, August 27, 2009

Would you like fries with that?

So here's a little doggie update, combined with some spiritual ponderings. Isn't it amazing how life's everyday happenings are truly divine messages? Lovely.

So as I posted a while ago, Rocky really wants some friends in our new town. So I did what any doggie-mom would do--looked for friend opportunities on facebook, craigslist, and meetup. I've got a few leads, but nothing really jumping out.

But here's the wild part. After taking these steps, I made a simple prayer/request to the universe: when I'm out walking Rocky, please send him a friend or two to play with. Seems simple, and quite honestly, I almost felt stupid asking for it. Am I insulting the universe by asking for something so small?

So you can imagine what happened next. After a month of deserted streets, we are now running into happy, playful dogs every time we go outside. Each encounter amazes me. What an abundant universe! And so eager to help us.

So of course my over-analytical brain has been thinking this over. Is that all I have to do? Pull up to the universe drive-thru, make my order, and pull on up to the second window? Really? Truly? Can I just ask for a size 4 figure and get it? Can I just ask for an abundance of clients and get it? Well, honestly, I haven't tried. This seems too simple. We should have to toil and struggle, work and work, climb that mountain, etc. etc. Ask and you shall receive. Hmmmm.

So I've been wondering: what would you ask for at the universe drive-thru? And second, have you tried asking at all?

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