Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Divine Timing

This is one of those topics that, if going through a rough patch, will produce an audible groan from even the wisest sage. It's like your mother's persuasive case "because I'm your mom," or when someone tells you "life isn't fair"-- the truthfulness and painfulness of the message (at times) is a total sucker-punch to the stomach.

To be clear, divine timing is the idea that our lives unravel in a certain way because in any other order, it just would not be best for us. After the fact, we can see so clearly how the puzzle pieces all fit together; but in the middle of the chaos, we just can't understand.

My own personal experience with divine timing would have to be the timing surrounding the meeting of my husband, Dave. We are completely two peas in a pod. We fit so well together that sometimes, well, it's gag-inducing. Seriously. But without the divine timing, there's no way we would be together, and we both whole-heartedly agree.

To give some background, we met in our freshmen year of college. We were both wide-eyed and naive, and our minds were expanding beyond belief as we encountered people and ideas that put the world on its side. Dave experimented with a 48-hour fast, a vegetarian tryout, and a 24 hour silent period, just to name a few. I was learning about Lithuania and India and trying to figure out how I could stay in college, becoming a professional learner, for my entire life (if anyone figures that out, let me know).

We just fit.

If we had met in high school, it would have been another story all together. High school Dave was way too risque for straight-laced Brittany. Post-college Brittany is what Dave calls a "total hippy-dip" (in the most loving way of course).

If we had met at any other time in our lives, it just wouldn't have worked. But when I tell people that I got married at 23, many wonder, but how could you know so soon? This timing was what we both needed to follow the divine path.

It's inevitable that we're going to have to let out a groan. I let out my own divine timing gripes over ice cream (bad), conversation, and commiseration. But don't forget that one day you will be able to look back and say, "Ohhhhhh. I see."

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