Friday, November 26, 2010

My Christmas List

So today is black Friday. Gross. Er, wait. I mean go out and spend people! Spend spend spend! Let's get this economy afloat! No really. Gross. So a lot of the commercialism and spendy-ism of Christmas just makes my stomach churn, but there's ways to do Christmas gift-giving right. I hope you have yourself on your list this year. Here's a list of really lovely things that I have for myself and might inspire you to give to yourself or others. And the best part is that you don't need to get up at 3am or have a fight in the K Mart aisle to do it.

1. A Library Card
No, seriously! I love love love my library card. I go to the library multiple times a week. And you know what's great about it? No risk. If I don't like something, I just take it back. No biggie. They've got books, movies, CD's . . . just about anything you can ask for. And if you're lucky you'll be a part of a super awesome library system like mine where everything is online and they'll even have your books waiting for you when you show up. Technology, huh?

My current checked out books include topics ranging from the psychic senses, to color therapy, to the lives of St. Bernadette and St. Francis, to some good old fiction bestsellers. I just love it. You really really must get a library card. And if you already have one, get to using it!

2. Reusable Bags
I do like this planet we've got here, and so that means I like to do Earth-friendly things. What's one step better than recycling? Never using the product in the first place. You've got to get reusable bags if you haven't gotten them already! For the grocery store, Whole Foods are my personal favorites just because they are really large and really durable. We just leave ours in the trunk, and when it's time to go grocery shopping, voila, we are ready to go.

For the day to day stuff, my favorite bags are the kind that can fold in on themselves and fit really easily into your purse or glove compartment. I got one from Bed Bath and Beyond for only $4! It folds up really small, and then when you're at the front checkout at Walgreen's/the library/whatevs you just whip out this puppy and you are good to go. I also like these really cute ones from Target. They're a little pricier at $13, but they're really durable and can hold a lot of stuff; they're also slightly more fashionable than the plain green look. Also, I just saw them on clearance this week for only $3.50, so check it out.

If I was Oprah, I would buy every one in America one of these bags. And you know what would make you an awesome human being? If you tacked one of these bags onto the gift list of every person you are buying for this year. Can you imagine how many plastic bags would be put out of a job if you did that?!?!?! OMG.

3. A Face Lotion for Even Skin Tone
Hear me out on this. I really love to like how I look in the mirror without makeup. I pretty much don't wear any, or I wear very little, and it's important to me to just have healthy, natural skin. Even skin toning lotions are amazing. I have to admit that before this past year, I had the skin regimen of a teenager: wash, rinse, moisturizer if I happen to remember it. But then I started getting serious about moisturizer with SPF (I will thank myself when I'm 50 I'm sure) and finally I got this amazing L'Oreal Complexion Equalizer. After a week, I felt like I looked 5 years younger. Now I use it every other night before bed. It is so totally worth it, and it lasts a long time. It's a small luxury that I'm glad to splurge a bit.

4. Angel Cards
Watch out. These can be addictive. If you're wanting to start a conversation with Saints, Angels, Guides, and the like, cards are a great place to start. I really like the Ascended Masters, Saints and Angels, and Archangel Michael cards, but you can look around on Hay House and see what's calling your name. Amazon has a good selection as well.

These aren't Tarot cards! And you don't need any special classes to understand how to read them. Their meanings are written on the cards.

5. Super Comfy Pajamas
I love getting into my pajamas around 7pm and schlepping around the house all night. There's nothing like a really luxurious pajama set. Do I sound like I'm 70 years old or what? I don't care! My personal favorites are the ones that look like men's pajamas from the 50's and 60's. You know, like the ones Dick Van Dyke wore on his show, like these or these.

6. Yummy Tea

I am a total tea connoisseur. I love hot tea. But I'm also pretty picky, and the real gourmet stuff is where it's at. I'm no Lipton girl! Tea is really healthy for you, and definitely better than a hot chocolate or a soda. In particular, I really like Harney & Sons (Hot Cinnamon Spice is great) and The Republic of Tea (lots of flavors sold at World Market).

7. Mrs. Meyer's Soap
Until I met this dish washing soap, I had no idea that I could fall in love with a soap. Mrs. Meyer's Products smell delicious, and I honestly don't mind washing pots and pans now. Not only does it smell great, but it actually does a good cleaning job. My personal favorite is the Lemon Verbera scented dish washing soap. I know they sell this stuff at World Market, Whole Foods, Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, and Wal Mart.

8. Burt's Bees Anything
They have great lotions, creams, lip balm, you name it. I really like their hand repair creme and the Radiance facial cleanser.

9. A Personal Retreat Day (or even half day)
Take the day off work, make sure the kids are with the babysitter and just enjoy being out by yourself. Get a special coffee or tea. Window shop. Try out a new yoga or meditation class. Just make it a day about exploring your little corner of the world all by yourself. Head to some new stores you've been meaning to check out, or get a pedicure.

10. A Prayer and Meditation Regimen

There are no rules on this. For you, it might mean 10 minutes of silence in a little cubby hole of a space in your bedroom each morning. Maybe you'll make a nightly ritual of the rosary and Reiki before bed. Or maybe you need the consistency of meetings, and you can take up weekly meditations at a local spot for free. Start somewhere and watch your life change.

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