Thursday, January 28, 2010

Conscious Eating

It seems like food is always a topic in my house; when are we eating it, what we just ate, when we're going out to buy some more . . . food food food.

If you really are what you eat, then for the past 2ish weeks I can proudly say that I would be a healthy bowl of spinach lentil soup or a vegetarian chili. I've been eating really well, and I can feel the difference. My husband and I have gone on a challenge of sorts to only eat non-processed foods "from the Earth." We took out bread and pasta as well. And you know what? I really don't miss it that much.

It makes me wonder why I eat bad food in the first place, because it makes me feel, well, bad. If I sum up my eating for my life as a whole, I think I would be a bowl of pasta with a side of bread.

Yeah. I was due for a food makeover.

During one reading, a guide was advising his student to eat better, calling all of the processed foods and sugars that he was consuming "poison."

If someone had said that to me, I probably would have laughed and called that pretty dramatic. But it's kind of true. Our bodies are machines, and the synthetic lab-made ingredients that are now in most of our food are doing some real damage.

We haven't been 100% perfect. In a moment of weakness, I caught my husband sneaking a Fresca after dinner.

Me: "Is that a Fresca?!"
Him: "No caffeine!"
Me: "Are you trying to claim that Fresca comes from the Earth? I haven't seen a Fresca farm before."
Him: "It has citrus in it . . ."

And I haven't been perfect, either. I admit that I made myself some blueberry pancakes.

But we're really, really trying. It's hard to be conscious in all areas of your life. I was pretty good at prayer and kindness, but I was playing dumb when it came to taking care of my body. No more.

We definitely live in a world where the way our society is set up, you could live very unconsciously with disastrous consequences. I'm contemplating taking up this challenge and applying consciousness to another area of my life where I've been hiding in darkness. Not sure yet what it is . . . but if you have ideas, send me an email!

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