Thursday, November 5, 2009

So, um, is this evil?

Inevitably, from time to time people will ask me how I reconcile my gifts with God. The question is usually phrased in the following way: "My church says this is wrong. Is it wrong?" or "My church says this is evil. Is this evil?"

First of all, I'm glad that people are thinking critically and asking questions. Hurray for not being lemmings! Hurray for thinking for yourselves! Seriously. Thank you. If everyone in the world would ask questions and think for themselves and come to their own conclusions . . . wow. That is a world I would like to live in.

If your justification for the way you make decisions is that "a church told you so," I have trouble understanding your decision-making process. I hope that you can recognize the difference between church and God. Church is earthly, controlled by man and therefore fallible and capable of all of man's shortcomings, including lying, stealing, misuse of power, and the list goes on. I cannot think of an organized religion that is devoid of scandal. God spans beyond any one church and is a benevolent, eternal, endlessly loving being. God motivates and inspires with love, not fear.

Of course, I can't help but notice that the questions never come from within. No one has ever said to me, "This feels evil," or "This feels wrong." It's kind of crazy when you think about it. For those who have met me, I certainly don't seem evil. And the messages I deliver are always messages of love, hope, guidance, and inspiration. How could it be wrong to tell a woman who's husband has passed away that he is happy and loves her infinitely? How could it be wrong to validate someone's own intuition that their job isn't right for them?

Instead, people have said, "I've been told this is wrong." What this tells me is that our own gut instincts do not raise red flags. The only red flags that people raise are based in an institution's reporting. So once again, I ask that we all think for ourselves.

So let me answer about how I have personally reconciled my gifts with God. Well, these gifts are innate in every one of us. Intuitive gifts come standard with this model. Intuitive gifts are simply connection with the divine. Have you ever been driving and felt your gut wanted you to go left? That's intuition right there. Have you ever gone for a job interview and felt in your heart that you were going to get the job, and then low and behold you did? That's intuition right there.

This is a gift we are all born with. Every single one of us has a connection with our intuition.

Secondly, our intuition is divinely guided. Each of us have a chorus of angels, guides, and loved ones helping us throughout our entire lives.

Basically, my intuition is heightened to a more obvious point. And anyone can arrive at this same destination. So not only am I reconciled by God, but I am gifted by God (as we all are) as he made us this way! Angels, God, our loved ones, are not in some faraway place that we have to die in order to connect with them. We can find them within our own hearts everyday.

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