Monday, November 30, 2009


I was just thinking today about how last October I had a kind of premonition or vision of my future, even though I didn't have any information at the present time to where I premonition could make sense.

Here's the excerpt where I explain my dream:

"In my dream life, I live in a warm, inviting house in some woods outside the city. This place is my retreat. Out of my home, I give people Reiki, meditate with others, and offer spiritual guidance of the sort. My days are spent drinking hot tea, inviting people into my home, and nourshing people's souls. This is scary. I don't think afford a career like this, nor am I educated or trained enough to be able to do this. So this is kind of terrifying."

This was a vision I had over one year ago while I was still a high school teacher. It truly made no sense at the time. From my point of view, I had no logical reason to think I could do that. But over the course of a few months, my body gave out and I really had no choice but to quit my job. I thank God that my limited conscious vision didn't stop me from living my dream.

I wish I could remember where I got this story from. It was a movie. Someone help me out on this. A grandfather-type in the movie told a story about how when locomotives were first invented, the people of this mountain town built tracks over the mountains even though there wasn't a locomotive that could make the trip yet. They just had faith that one day there would be one.

This is just another example of the power of the law of belief. It's so important that we don't limit our dreams, even when they don't seem feasible.

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