Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Curse of the Old Soul

Many times when I'm doing an Akashic reading, a client will get a belwildered expression followed by this question: "So how can I stop this pattern so that I can stop reincarnating and be done with this Earth stuff?" Usually this question comes after the realization that they are an old soul on a long journey.

Here's what I've learned from channeling the advice of angels and guides as well as my own readings and research:
  • Many of us are old souls, and being an old soul is not a bad thing!
  • We all have free will, even the free will to choose if/when we will come back to Earth again. There's no big guy in the clouds making you go. Each of us choose to go when we feel ready. Our souls are infinitely wise, and we know that life on Earth teaches us many lessons that we need for our soul. So we choose to come back with a willing heart ready to learn.
  • We come back for many reasons. We come back to help our soul learn. We come back to help other people in our lives like family and friends. We also come back to help other souls on Earth in a way that only we can help them.
So why do we end up with this bewildered feeling if we chose to be here? Well honey, Earthly life ain't no cakewalk. Really. When we are drafting the big plans in heaven before we arrive once again, we are ambitious, wise, optimistic, surrounded with heaven's love and the love of all our guides, teachers, and angels. Then we get to Earth, it's go time, and our spiritual counselors are hidden behind a veil and the mess and beauty of life begins! It's spiritual amnesia.

Our souls' purpose for each time here on Earth is at the same time simple and complicated. It's complicated when it's analyzed for each person we need to connect with, each smaller thing we need to do; but on a bigger scale, it can usually be boiled down to one word like love, compassion, respect, power, etc. That seems to be the pattern that I've seen from my own readings, meditations, and reflections: the true beauty of the universe is both complicated and simple all at once.

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