Friday, September 25, 2009

Only in Dreams

A friend of mine asked for my take on a dream she had and I thought the topic would make a great blog post.

I love that the kinds of experiences we've had with dreams are all so similar--the vivid dream, the kind of dream that felt important but you can't remember it, the nightmare, the one that seemed real, the one that was ridiculous, and the list goes on. For something that is so individual, there is so much commonality in our experiences.

In my very young life and earnest studies, I would not say I'm an expert, but here's what I do know: many of our dreams are very significant. By significant, I mean that there is something important within a dream: either guidance from angels or loved ones (or yourself), an important message we need to have, something.

Yes, some dreams are just mush as our heads and hearts sort out things while we sleep. But sleep is often our most tangible connection to the spirit realm. If you've had a dream about a loved one after they passed, chances are that is not just wishful thinking on your part. If you've woken up feeling like you were talking with an angel, you probably were. When we wake up with a clearer head or a decided plan of action after lots of indecision, that's because of the work that we've been doing in our sleep.

Because I am so much in my head all the time and have an obsession with understanding everything about everything, my number one question is why. Why do our loved ones talk to us in our sleep? Why do angels prefer that our minds are in a sleep state for communication?

From personal experience and also from asking the culprits, here's what I've gathered:

1. Our minds are in a much more relaxed state when we are sleeping. We are much more "open." The part of our brain that is actively working to separate concrete/real world matter fromm intuition/guidance is taking a break; therefore, it's must easier for us to be receptive to guidance and messages. Any medium will tell you that if you're not careful, it's hard to get a good night's sleep! My personal remedy has been lots of intentions and meditations before bed asking for rest and no disturbance from the spirit realm. Archangel Michael is great for this.

2. Our loved ones/angels want to communicate with us in a way that is gentle for us. Phsyical manifestation from someone who's crossed over can be scary and jarring. If grandma just appeared on the couch because she wanted to tell you that you should take that job offer, would you get the message? Probably not. You would probably be too stunned/alarmed/confused to hear anything she was saying.

3. The logistics of physical manifestation for our loved ones and angels is difficult. It requires them to amass a great deal of energy. Also, apparently it's not as simple as just willing it to happen. I've had loved ones on the other side explain to me that they just "don't know how" or "don't get it." Evidently, there's no manual over there that tells them how to physically appear to us.

For all of these reasons, it's best to not discount a dream. If it felt important, if it seemed significant, if it had that quality to it that felt like it was a message, then it was. And if you want to talk to grandma, your dog Fluffy, or your guardian angel, invite them into your dreams just before bed. Their love makes them always willing to help us.

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