Friday, August 21, 2009

I Aint 'Fraid a No Ghost

Well, as some of you know, we just moved into a new place. It's a townhouse built in the '60's and has a good combination of updatedness with old school touches. I like it.

One piece that made the move with us that I wasn't so psyched about is this silly lamp that Dave has had since college. It's a $10 touch lamp that he keeps in the bedroom. I can't explain why I don't like it . . . it's just odd. But hey, marriage is all about compromise, so into the moving truck it went.

Last week, I was alone by myself during the day, and went upstairs to discover that it was on. That's pretty odd considering I am hyper-attentive to lights being on and electricity in general, but I tapped it twice to turn it off and left the room. Not gonna lie, my first thought was something supernatural, but I am a skeptic about the supernatural making appearances in the physical world, so I usually shrug it off.

Fast forward 20 minutes, I am walking down the hallway towards the bedroom and watch as the lamp taps on once, twice, three times for the brighest light. Ummmmmmmm, okay, now I am kinda creeped out. Being rational, I walk over to the lamp and just stare at it a minute. I shake the night stand to see if shaking will turn it on. No dice. I flick the switch in the room on and off just to see what's up. Nothing suspicious here.

That night as we're headed for bed, I tell Dave about the weird incident and tell him I've brushed it off pretty much. His response? Well, only human hands can turn it on. We tested this theory by hitting books, Rocky's paws, pens, and any other miscellaneous object against the lamp. Alright, creepy factor just went up a notch, but what am I gonna do?

What really stands out to me is that it seems to be intelligent responses. It turned on as I walked towards the bedroom.

Then, today, I head to the room for a nap when I hear what sounds like someone running on the stairs. Rocky barks. I check it out. Nothing. As soon as I am in bed again, it starts up. Once again, seems to be intelligent responses, stopping when I approach. I wake up from my nap, and guess which touch lamp is at its brightest light again? You get one guess.

So at this point I'm thinking something is trying to contact me. It's always during the day and always when I am alone. Old resident passed away? Relative? Friend? I am inclined to think it's a former homeowner--I have pretty much never had this stuff happen to me.

I have to be honest--it creeps me out, and I am both amazed and stupefied at my reaction. I mean, come on. This is what I do for a living. I talk to dead people all day. What's so scary about a lamp? Some bumps on the stairs?

It's all about the unknown + interaction with the physical world. I cannot see this entity with my naked eye. I have no idea what their intentions are . . . okay not quite. Obviously, they want my exclusive attention, preferably when I am alone. But what for? Is this spirit tuned in with my abilities and wanting a little chat? I honestly have not probed at all, asking Archangel Michael or my guides. I realize I sound stupid when I say I am afraid to find out. And the idea that this entity can interact with our physical world . . . scares me. It's actually really hard for them to make something happen to where we can notice. From my own personal experience, I know that not all souls are at rest, not all dead people are happy, and there is evil in the world. How do I know what I'm getting into if I ask about this?

I'll keep you updated on any other strange occurrences and if I decide to actually contact this spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I just read through your blog today for the first time. Wow, what awesome posts! A few of them really got me thinking...what would my dog say to you about his life here on the farm with us? Where is my life headed in the months/years to come? Who is this ghost in your house? And then again, as I really think about these questions I wonder if I really want to know the answer. Interesting...I'll have to think about it some more! But, I do think what you've got here is awesome stuff! Keep on posting and I'll keep reading!
