Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dry Run

I was talking with someone yesterday about being frustrated with finding her way. She started taking actions based on what her gut was telling her; she tried to get to know a guy better, and she put herself out there for a new volunteering venture. It turns out that the guy is married and the volunteering venture fell through. She came to me frustrated and disappointed.

"Why am I so off the mark? How could I be so wrong when my gut told me I was right? I just don't trust myself or my guidance anymore."

Here's the basic paraphrase of the response I was given, and I think this is some good food for thought for anyone trying to make their way and make the best decisions:

"Your gut was not wrong. You were led to these people and these experiences to teach you valuable lessons. Yes, this guy is not "the one," and this volunteer opportunity is not one you should devote your life to. Does that make them worthless? Are they therefore a waste of your time? Of course not. Instead, they are practice for you so that when "the" guy comes along, you've learned the lessons that will make it possible for your relationship to thrive."

Every experience, good or bad, has made us who we are today, and before we can be ready for the challenges and success our our future, we are being prepared by our present circumstances. So every time a friendship fizzles, or a job goes bust, think of it as a test run before the big show.

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